New City Kids & Youth
“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14
It is our heart at New City Church that each child and teen would be taught the Word of God. Through age appropriate resources, and teachers that care about them, we hope to bring each person to know the beauty of Christ in His word and choose to follow Jesus as His disciple.
We value the family at New City Church. So we encourage those with children to worship the Lord together during our time of corporate singing. We believe doing this will help us as parents to disciple our kids to be worshipers of God.
Although we encourage parents to check their children (up to age 10) into kids classes, we would never force anyone to do so. That is totally at the discretion of each parent. We only ask that each family be mindful and considerate of the whole church body, knowing that New City Church desires for all who are present to be able to hear and learn from the message.
Our Youth Group, led by our Student Pastor, Isaac, and his wife Michaela, is on Sunday afternoons from 1-3pm and is open to ages 12 to 18.
The Gospel Project
A great resource for teaching young people about the story of Christ and the Gospel throughout the entire narrative of scripture.
Jesus Storybook Bible
A great option for your child’s first Bible and nightly reading times.
New City Catechism
Do your children ask you questions about the Bible you’re not sure how to answer? Then this resource is for you.