Our Team
Joel Littlefield -
Lead Pastor
Joel and his wife, Callie, began the work of planting New City Church in November of 2016. Joel is currently the lead teaching pastor. They have 4 children.
Isaac Thibodeau - Student Pastor
Isaac is the Student Pastor at New City Church. Isaac and his wife, Michaela, have been our youth leaders since July of 2020 and they are new parents to their daughter, Acadia. They have a passion for pointing youth to Jesus Christ through Scripture, and developing meaningful relationships that cultivate maturity in Christ.
Eric O’Donnell - Executive Pastor
Eric O’Donnell is the Executive Pastor at New City Church, overseeing the various ministry teams, leaders, and volunteers. He and his wife, AJ, have 5 children.
Mark Thibodeau - Worship Pastor
Mark is the worship pastor at New City Church. He and Tamara and their seven children have been serving Christ at NCC for almost two years. Tamara serves as our Kid’s Ministry director!
John Andrade - Outreach Pastor
John (left) is the Outreach Pastor at New City Church. John and his Wife, Danielle, and their 6 kids have been faithful members of our body since the summer of 2020. He leads our Pro-Life Ministry and disciples many in our Church.