Thanks for Supporting Us!
New City Church is committed to the spread of the Gospel and to making disciples for Christ in our city and beyond. We believe in a generous God who calls His people to gospel generosity, not giving from compulsion, but with a cheerful heart.
If you regularly attend, or want to give a one time gift to New City Church, we have several good options below.
The easiest way to give and keep record is through text to give. Text any amount to 84321 and take a minute or two to set it up. After the initial transaction it’s as easy as texting a friend.
Online gifts are available by credit card — simply click the button below to get started.
How Your Gifts Help
When you give to New City Church, a portion of your proceeds goes to support our missionaries:
Josh & Kelsey Lawrence, Great Commission Ministries - Church planters in Eldoret, Kenya.
Ethan & Laura Foss - Church planters in Lisbon, Portugal.
Craig & Jennifer Alsup, Manna Worldwide - We sponsor a children’s home in Pokhara, Nepal.
In addition, our church helps support the BCNE and the Pillar Network, furthering church planting/revitalizing efforts in New England and aboard.
Other uses for your donations include:
Building rental
Pastoral Staff
Facilities and Maintenance
Children’s Curriculum
Discipleship and Bible Study materials
Various weekly operational expenses
Website and Media
Local and overseas missions