New City Church Building Fundraiser
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! For those who have prayed with us and for us since starting in 2017, we are incredibly thankful for each of you! The church continues to grow, lives are being transformed by the Word of God, disciples and leaders are being developed, and by grace new churches are being planted. Our family would like to invite you into another opportunity for which the help of the WHOLE BODY is needed! Click on the button below to be directed to our GiveSendGo campaign and prayerfully consider being a part. Don't just read this for yourself, but please SHARE this fundraiser with others!
We are a Pillar Network Church
Our DNA:
Gospel Proclamation | Bible Based | Live Exposition | Elder-Led | Kingdom Minded | Confessionally Baptist
What Sundays are like…
Real Community
At New City, we’re a family of broken people all trying to follow hard after Jesus. Loving, serving, and caring for one another in authentic community.
Heartfelt Worship
Our worship is a blended affair, joining together modern songs, vintage hymns, sincere prayers, and Christ-centered preaching. In terms of dress, come as you are.
Impactful Discipleship
Helping you grow deep in your faith and to develop a meaningful relationship with Christ is one of our primary aims at New City Church!
Our Values
Family and Fellowship
Intentionally doing life together as we bear one another’s burdens and strive for unity in the Gospel.
The World Outside
Striving for gospel-fluency, loving our neighbors, living every day and in every context as missionaries for Jesus.
Church Planting
Keeping a vision of training leaders, pastors and planting teams to start new churches where a gospel witness is needed.
Spiritual Growth
Growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ through expository preaching, catechesis, discipleship, and personal devotion to Scripture.

Our Location
ADDRESS: 150 Congress Ave, Bath, ME 04530
Connect With US
Whether you have questions about our church or would like to be added to our contact list, click the button below to fill out a brief contact form and we’ll follow up with you.