New City Church

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Depression is Real & the Church is Here for You

There’s a real struggle around us. Stories emerge daily about friends and family who are in the middle of a battle with depression. So intense are these battles that, to those in the midst of the struggle, all that can be seen is darkness. It’s important to me that you hear an active voice speaking into these very real situations, not just from the public and the professional community, but also from the local church.

We acknowledge the gifts that some counselors and doctors can bring to this table, and we’re grateful for many of these, but it needs to be known that one very real aspect of depression that is often sidelined is the spiritual side of things. I want to urge you to not shut this out.

It has been proven time and time again, with case after case, that the Bible is a sufficient source of help and counsel for the broken and hurting.

Maybe you’ve not given it the time.

Maybe you’ve exhausted every resource around you and still find that no answer given has brought you to a place where healing can begin.

Let me encourage you to not give up hope.

There is a God over this universe that the Bible says is your gracious Maker. He created this world and everything in it out of His own benevolent love. He made you with a purpose, that you would find peace and satisfaction in Him above all else. But at the beginning mankind rebelled from that good purpose of God and went their own way. Today, our world suffers from this. The Bible calls it sin. Because of this sinful world and the sin in our hearts there is a longing, a void and a brokenness that ONLY God can fill.

The Father sent Jesus to live a perfect sinless life that you and I could never live, and then died in our place as a substitute and payment for our sin. This is such good news to the human soul. Even in our darkness, Christ came and died in our place so that through faith we can be clothed in His righteousness and forgiven of all our sins.

This is the foundation of healing and hope.

My hope is that if you or someone you know is suffering from depression, that you would consider this seriously. I’m not saying all other voices are unhelpful, but many are only getting at the surface issue and not the root.

The Bible says that “In the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Don’t ignore the good, gracious and perfect counsel of God in His word. We, the local Church, called and commissioned with this good news, are here to be a help for you in this.

Keep reaching out. Keep seeking.

Turn to Christ and tell Him your struggles and deepest fears, and then cast each one upon Him. God Bless! If you need prayer, connect with us at New City Church. We want to be a family to you and walk this journey called life with you. You’re not alone.

New City Church
Pastor Joel